
Vortex Street Music was officially started in the year 1996 with the publishing of The Vortex Street Music Collection, a compilation of light music composed primarily by Campbell Naismith along with the inclusion of a few tunes from fellow composers. While Campbell had previous products such as The Highland Dance Competitor's Album, a record recorded in 1982, it wasn't until his first book, The Vortex Street Music Collection, that he decided to consolidate his considerable collection of personal compositions and ideas onto one avenue. Since then, he has released six other publications: The Purple Land Collection, The Forest Leaves Collection, The Steam Trunk Collection, A Salute to Mary Isdale MacNab, The Wriggling Fish Collection and The Fractal World Collection. All of these collections include numerous tunes from Campbell Naismith along with tunes from other composers. Additionally, Vortex Street Music has released two highly renowned sets of recordings for Highland Dancers, in Highland Dance Beat and Highland Dance Beat Two, and a collection of personal compositions in Choons. Currently, Vortex Street Music is in the final stages of another book for publication and has many other projects in the works in varying stages of completion.

In 2015, Campbell made the decision to create Vortex Street Music Philanthropy which is an organization that he uses to support music, dance, and mathematics with an emphasis on helping children. The support comes in the form of scholarships, trophies and medals, book and CD awards, and prize monies. You can choose to help support the philanthropic efforts by donating to Vortex Street Music Philanthropy If you are interested in contributing to our efforts please reach out to us via vsmphilanthropy@gmail.com.